Czech Republic - National Cyber Security Strategy 2015 – 2020

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On 16 February, 2015 the Government of the Czech Republic approved the new National Cyber Security Strategy for years 2015 – 2020.

The Strategy represents a comprehensive set of measures aiming to achieve the highest possible level of cyber security in the Czech Republic. To this aim, it defines the vision the Czech Republic would like to follow in this field. Furthermore, the Strategy stipulates the basic principles which will be kept and defines the particular challenges and problems both the Czech Republic and the international environment have to counter.

The main goals, which shall be achieved in the upcoming five years, are the key part of the Strategy. They are divided into the following priority areas:

  1. Ensuring efficiency and strengthening of all structures, processes and cooperation in the field of cyber security
  2. Active international co-operation
  3. Protection of the national Critical Information Infrastructure and Important Information Systems
  4. Co-operation with private sector
  5. R&D/Consumer’s trust
  6. Support to the education, awareness and the development of the information society
  7. Support to the development of Police’s capabilities to investigate and prosecute information crime.
  8. Cyber security legislation (development of legislative framework). Participation in creation and implementation of European and international regulations.

The Action Plan to the Strategy, which defines the concrete steps, deadlines, responsibilities and the supervision of their implementation, is currently being drafted.

For more information: National Cyber Cecurity Strategy of the Czech Republic