Slovak Republic - New Cyber Security Concept published

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On June 17, 2015 the Government of the Slovak Republic adopted “Cyber Security Concept of the Slovak Republic” (hereinafter as “Concept”).

The new Concept was established on the basis of the cooperation of the Government Office of the Slovak Republic, the National Agency for Network and Electronic Services and the National Security Authority. Since January 1, 2016 the National Security Authority was determined as the main body of state administration for Cyber Security. The core strategic aim of the Concept is to establish open, secure and protected cyber space.

The Concept is mainly focused on:

  1. Building of Institutional Framework for Cyber Security Administration - The Concept emphasizes the establishment of a National Incident Resolution Unit and several incident resolution units.
  2. Creation and Adoption of a Legal Framework for Cyber Security.
  3. Development and Application of Basic Mechanisms Providing for the Administration of Cyber Space.
  4. Support, Formulation and Implementation of an Education System in the Area of Cyber Security.
  5. Determination and Application of Risk Management Culture and Communication System Between Stakeholders.
  6. International Cooperation.
  7. Support of Science and Research in the Area of Cyber Security.

You can download the English translation of the “Cyber Security Concept of the Slovak Republic”