
All events

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1st Cybersecurity Awareness Raising Conference - Reframing Cybersecurity Awareness Raising

ENISA is pleased to announce its 1st Cybersecurity Awareness Raising Conference “REFRAMING CYBERSECURITY AWARENESS RAISING” which aims to explore the human side of cybersecurity communication.

Cybersecurity Resilience and Market Conference

For A Trusted and Cyber Secure Europe

16th EU-CyCLONe Officers meeting

Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - EU-CyCLONe Officers meeting

24th CSIRTs Network Meeting

EU CSIRTs Network is the network of appointed CSIRTs established by NIS1 and strengthen by NIS2

15th EU-CyCLONe Officers meeting

Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - EU-CyCLONe Officers meeting

EU-CyCLONe Executives meeting

Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - EU-CyCLONe Officers meeting

23rd CSIRTs Network Meeting

EU CSIRTs Network is the network of appointed CSIRTs established by NIS1 and strengthen by NIS2

2nd ENISA Cybersecurity Market Analysis Conference

On the 28th and 29th of September, ENISA is organising the 2nd Cybersecurity Market Analysis Conference.

12th CyCLONe Officers meeting

Cyber Crisis Liaison Organisation Network - CyCLONe Officers meeting

21st CSIRTs Network Meeting

EU CSIRTs Network is the network of appointed CSIRTs established by NIS1 and strengthen by NIS2