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E.DSO/ENCS/ENISA/ ENTSO-E Conference on Power Grids Cybersecurity
Join us for the 6th Edition of the Cybersecurity Event hosted by ENISA, titled "European energy grids' security in a changed landscape – closing the skills gap and getting prepared."
2023 Cybersecurity Certification Conference
ENISA Annual Cybersecurity Certification Conference is the place where the community gathers, discusses and exchanges on the opportunities, challenges and outcomes of EU Cybersecurity Certification.
Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference 2023
European Standardisation in support of the EU cybersecurity legislation.
7th eHealth Security Conference
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is organising the 7th eHealth Security Conference, in collaboration with the Danish Health Data Authority. Following 2 years of virtual events, this conference will be a full-day physical event, hosted by…
eHealth Security Conference 2020 Online Series #2
Session 2: Cybersecurity in COVID19 tracing mobile apps
eHealth Security Conference 2020 Online Series #1
Session 1: Cybersecurity in Healthcare in times of a pandemic