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ENISA Telecom and Digital Infrastructure Security Forum 2025

The ENISA Telecom security forum brings together cybersecurity experts from the telecom sector, national authorities, and cybersecurity policy makers, to discuss the hot topics in telecom security such as espionage in telecom networks, the…

9th ENISA eHealth Security Conference

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is organising the 9th eHealth Security Conference, in collaboration with the Hungarian Cybersecurity Centre. The conference will be a full-day physical event, hosted by Semmelweis University in Budapest, on…

7th E.DSO/EE-ISAC/ENCS/ENISA Cybersecurity Forum

From theory to practice: How do we get it right? How do we get it right in time?

ENISA Telecom & Digital Infrastructure Security Forum 2024

On the 15th of May, 09:30 -17: 45 Helsinki time, ENISA organises the 2024 edition of the Telecom & Digital Infrastructure Security Forum in Helsinki, Finland

E.DSO/ENCS/ENISA/ ENTSO-E Conference on Power Grids Cybersecurity

Join us for the 6th Edition of the Cybersecurity Event hosted by ENISA, titled "European energy grids' security in a changed landscape – closing the skills gap and getting prepared."

#CyberSecMonth 2022: ENISA - APWG webinar on phishing outbreaks in 2022

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and the Anti-Phishing Working Group European Foundation ( join forces to organise a webinar about the latest phishing trends, tactics and work done to fight cybercrime.