7th February – Safer Internet Day

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Safer Internet Day takes place in February of each year to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially amongst children and young people.

Organised by  Insafe  (a network set up within the European Commission’s Safer Internet Programme), Safer Internet Day 2012 takes place on Tuesday 7th  February, and centres on the theme "Connecting generations and educating each other", where Internet users young and old are encouraged to "discover the digital world together...safely"!

For more information about Safer Internet Day events in your country, visit:


ENISA is a supporter of the Safer Internet Day Initiative. The Agency’s latest reports in this area include:

The consolidated ENISA report on Network Information Security in Education  (Jan. 2012)

Cyber-bullying and online grooming: helping to protect against the risks  (Nov. 2011)

To log or not to log? - Risks and benefits of emerging life-logging applications (Nov. 2011)

Appstore security: 5 lines of defence against malware (Sept. 2011)


ENISA also publishes a range of Safer Internet posters, available in six European languages, for parents or teachers to use with children.