Yesterday, the EU Commissioner responsible for Home Affairs, Mrs Cecilia Malmström announced the new Cyber Crime Centre for the EU, as part of Europol
The Executive Director of ENISA, Prof Udo Helmbrecht, stated;
"We are pleased to see this decisive step to fight cyber crime at the operational level of Europol. We work closely with EuroPol and support their endeavours. ENISA, as a contrast, is a body of expertise working with the prevention angle of cyber security. As such, we have supported the development process of the Cyber Crime Centre, by responding to the feasibility study on it, and by EuroPol with our expertise and studies, within the limits of our mandate. We have also been supported by Europol, who gave valuable input to our recent report with their perspective on the fight against cyber crime, more specifically regarding the differences in reporting cyber crime between Computer Emergency Response Teams and the Law Enforcement Agencies.”
ENISA will this year, in close cooperation with Europol, and building on last year’s efforts, organise a 2nd, Computer Emergency Response Team-workshop, to take place during the autumn of 2012.
Background: In the EU's Internal Security Strategy, launched by Commissioner Malmström in November 2010, it was stated that the Centre “should become the focal point in Europe's fight against cyber-crime”.
Press Release: