ENISA’s Executive Director delivered the keynote speech on "European and national rules and regulations in the field of cyber security' today 14th March at CEBIT.
“The NIS Directive is the first EU legislative initiative in the area of cybersecurity, and a step towards an improved and harmonised cybersecurity environment across the EU. In a similar manner the GDPR emphasizes data protection and privacy as a key component for the EU industry” said Udo Helmbrecht at this year’s CeBIT event.
ENISA’s Executive Director delivered the keynote speech on "European and national rules and regulations in the field of cyber security" during the European Cyber Security Conference, sharing insights into the key developments in the upcoming NIS Directive and the GDPR, and how these translate in practice for the involved actors.
Digital service providers (DSP) such as search engines, cloud services, the online marketplace and essential service provides (ESP) in the banking, energy, transport sectors are affected by the establishment of incident reporting and security requirements of the new regulatory framework; areas in which ENISA is particularly active. Helmbrecht gave an overview on the proposed provisions and how these set the foundations for improved risk assessment, threat intelligence, response, and harmonisation across the EU. In this context opportunities for the internal market and e-services can be realised by reinforcing trust for services and products. “ENISA through its recommendations and solutions can support industry in producing solutions that capitalise on security as a differentiating factor and promote cooperation among all stakeholders towards approaches which can fit and stimulate the sector”.
Related material:
ENISA’s ten messages to industry at Berlin IT security forum
ENISA’s Cyber-Threat overview 2015
The NIS Directive and National CSIRTs
Increasing the resilience of Europe’s telecommunication infrastructures through Incident Reporting
Follow Udo Helmbrecht's live interview on ENISA's role for IoT security, at CeBIT on 15/3 http://ow.ly/ZfICS and online at https://business-services.heise.de/specials/das-glaeserne-studio/dienstag/beitrag/das-internet-der-dinge-ein-sicherheits-alptraum-2875.html
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