ENISA calls for Expression of Interest for Membership of the Permanent Stakeholders’ Group

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The Executive Director of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) is opening a call for Expression of Interest for Membership of the Permanent Stakeholders’ Group (PSG) to be assigned for a period of two and a half years.

This Call invites nationals of the Member States of the European Union and EFTA countries, to be appointed “ad personam” as experts. This means they neither represent a country, nor a company, but are selected upon the basis of their own specific expertise and personal merits.

The PSG will be composed of up to 33 leading representing the following areas:

  1. The information and communication technology (ICT) industries, including, e.g. fixed and mobile electronic communications providers, internet service providers, network and information security service providers, hardware and software industries;
  2. Consumer organisations, including, e.g. experts from the finance sector, energy sector or health sector, internet users associations and non-governmental organisations representing consumers;
  3. Academic institutions, including experts in e.g. cryptology, biometrics, risk analyses, network and information security, and electronic process.


Candidates are invited to submit an application in accordance with the procedure set out in the Call notice on the ENISA website.

Complete applications must be sent by no later than the 4th of October by email to the following address: [email protected].

The same address should be used for any further inquiries.

The role of PSG

The Permanent Stakeholder’s Group advises the Agency in respect of the performance of its activities, according to the Article 12 paragraph 5 of the ENISA Regulation (EU) No 526/2013. It shall in particular advise the Executive Director on drawing up a proposal for the Agency’s annual work programme, and on ensuring the communication with the relevant stakeholders on all issues related to the work programme. 

The PSG is composed of 1) nominated representatives representing national regulatory authorities, data protection and law enforcement authorities and 2) experts appointed “ad personam” constituting a multidisciplinary group deriving from industry, academia and consumer organisations.

ENISA’s role

ENISA’s strategic objectives are derived from the ENISA regulation, inputs from the Member States and relevant communities, including private sector.

In cooperation and in support to the Member States and the Union institutions, ENISA in priority seeks to achieve:

Expertise Anticipate and support Europe in facing emerging network and information security challenges, by collating, analyzing and making available information and expertise on key NIS issues potentially impacting the EU, taking into account the evolutions of the digital environment.

Policy Promote network and information security as an EU policy priority, by assisting the European Union institutions and Member States in developing and implementing EU policies and law related to NIS.

Capacity Support Europe maintaining state-of-the-art network and information security capacities, by assisting the Member States and European Union bodies in reinforcing their NIS capacities.

Community Foster the emerging European network and information security community, by reinforcing cooperation at EU level among Member States, European Union bodies and relevant NIS stakeholders, including the private sector.

Enabling Reinforce ENISA’s impact, by improving the management of its resources and engaging more efficiently with its stakeholders, including Member States and Union Institutions, as well as at international level.

See also ENISA’s Strategy 2016-2020


For more information: [email protected]

For press and media interviews: [email protected]  Tel. +30 2814409615