ENISA is celebrating the Safer Internet Day 2014; New report

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ENISA is an active supporter of Safer Internet Day and is inviting stakeholders to consult the dedicated page for full information on this years’ activities: “Let’s create a better internet together”

New report

With this occasion ENISA is launching the report “Brokerage model for Network and Information Security in Education”. 

By publishing the "Brokerage model for Network & Information Security (NIS) in Education" report, we aim to provide content and promote digital education on network and information security at all levels.

The report's target group is composed of educators such as trainers, teachers and peers involved in formal and non-formal education, including lifelong learning. In our current brokerage effort we try to connect the nodes in the best way possible by presenting three case studies with countries perspective, from

  • The Czech Safer Internet Centre (NCBI), ‘Strategy of community education in project — Prague safe online'
  • German partners; The Federal Office for Information Security (BSI), ‘10th anniversary of the Safer Internet Day provides an opportunity to increase awareness’,
  • Norwegian partners, ‘Norwegian Centre for Information Security’.


Having in focus

Furthermore we open a discussion about hacking. ‘Hacking for good or for bad’ is a case study to advance the use of appropriate terms by the NIS in Education community, taking into account the particularity of the given ecosystem. In order to raise awareness of our target group we share the view that everybody should take part in the discussion and share the responsibility of a secure global digital community


For the full ENISA report: Brokerage model for Network and Information Security in Education