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ENISA Report on Information Sharing and Common Taxonomies between CSIRTs and Law Enforcement Agencies

ENISA publishes its report on Information Sharing and Common Taxonomies between CSIRTs and Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs).

Published on January 26, 2016

The objective of this study is to enhance cooperation both between the Member States (MS) of the EU and between related Network and Information Security (NIS) communities.The study, which is a continuation of ENISA’s work in the area of fight against cybercrime, ENISA aims at identifying which information can be shared between CSIRTs and LEAs and how this can be achieved from a technical and organisational perspective.

This report presents four proposals:

    • A taxonomy for the exchange of information based on desk research, to define a common vocabulary for the description of cyber incidents based on the approval of the majority of the community
    • A sharing mechanism for the exchange of information, based on a taxonomy. This element is still being debated, as explained further on in this document
    • An update model for the taxonomy, to answer new requirements that could arise from the CSIRTs and the LEAs
    • A roadmap for the implementation of the taxonomy in the exchange of information across CSIRTs and LEAs and the potential use of a sharing mechanism to enhance these exchanges

Full report available here 
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