Save the date –1st High Level Workshop on National Cyber Security Strategies by ENISA

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ENISA will host in Brussels the first workshop on National Cyber Security Strategies, a high level event on the cyber security status of each country, on the 27th November, 2014.

Participants include experts and high level executives from all Member States and the European Commission.

Presentations and discussions will focus on:

  • National Cyber Security Strategies in Europe,
  • Critical Information Infrastructures and
  • Public Private Partnerships.

Confirmed speakers include:

  • David Duren - Netherlands Ministry of Security and Justice, 
  • Daniel Bagge - Cyber Security / Policy Specialist at NSA CZ,
  • Elina Neimane - Latvian Ministry of Defence,
  • Marc Henauer - Head of the operations and information center of MELANI,
  • Julien Barnu - Strategic Advisor - Secrétariat Général de la Défense et de la Sécurité Nationale

Further information and event agenda: ENISA Cyber Security Strategies Workshop