Interview with ENISA's Head of Core Operations Dpt, Dr Purser on Europe’s cyber defences

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ENISA's Head of Core Operations Department, Dr Steve Purser participated in the IIEA Cybersecurity Conference that took place in Dublin on 15th November. The key objective of the conference was to explore emerging cyber threats and opportunities for government and private sector collaboration in protecting the citizen online. 

After the "Cybercrime: Protecting the individual and small businesses online" panel discussion, Dr Purser gave an interview on  co-ordinating Europe’s cyberdefences in the face of ever-increasing sophisticated cyberattacks on nations, businesses and individuals. Dr Purser explained ENISA's role and talked about the importance of better collaboration and appropriate information sharing against cyber threats.

Watch the full video interview here.

During the same conference Dr Purser gave a second interview on ENISA's role and the importance of cyber security while the world depends more and more on technology.