New ENISA Inventory of CERT (Computer Emergency Response Teams) “digital fire brigades” plus interactive map

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ENISA has published a new interactive CERTs map and Inventory of CERT’s activities in Europe containing publicly listed teams and co-operation, support and standardisation activities.

The Inventory’s new improved tabulated format shows Europe’s “digital fire brigades” by sector for each country, while the new CERTs map provides filtering capabilities for all CERT teams in the wider EU geographical region. This now includes 195 CERT teams, 22 more than when the inventory was last updated in spring 2012.

An extra feature of the map is the inclusion of the General CERT Report and the National Governmental CERT Report, which provide information on the countries’ CERT teams with the push of a button.

The Inventory and map are available online at and its subpages.

More on ENISA’s work with CERTs

These latest publications follow ENISA’s 7th CERTs annual workshop held earlier this year in Malta and The Hague. The most recent session held jointly with Europol focused on CERTs and their national Law Enforcement counterparts. Overall themes included botnets mitigation, mobile malware, capacity building and incidents response in facilitating collaboration between CERTS and Law Enforcement Agencies.

By the end of 2012 ENISA will launch reports on the current capabilities of national/governmental CERTs in Europe. Furthermore, ENISA supports Member States in setting up CERTs with training, workshops, and information updates, as well as the recently formalised EU-CERT for the EU institutions.

 The Executive Director of ENISA, Professor Udo Helmbrecht observed:

“The Agency’s work for the ‘digital fire-brigades’ is a success story, creating a European CERTs community of trust reflected in this inventory and map. CERTs provide the operational backbone for protecting our ICT systems in case of cyber-attacks. I am particularly pleased with our smooth co-operation with Europol, where ENISA’s expertise and prevention work supports their operational work in fighting cyber-crime.”



The CERT map and Inventory documents are updated twice a year. The next update is anticipated by the end of 2012. For the latest up-to-date-version, please subscribe to our RSS feeds.

CERTs have been established by EU Member State governments and other public and private sector bodies to enable a quick response to emergencies that could affect vital computer networks or information systems.


For interviews: Graeme Cooper, Head of Public Affairs, Mobile: + 30 6951 782 268, [email protected], or [email protected]


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