The first Coordinators' Meeting for the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) 2013 will take place on Monday 27th of May at ENISA's premises in Athens. The meeting will focus on getting to know this year's participants and sharing best practices from experience to date.
European Cyber Security Month is an EU advocacy campaign that takes place in October. ECSM aims to promote cyber security awareness among citizens. The campaign has the objective of modifying perceptions of cyber threats in everyday life - at work, or when online privately. It also aims to provide updated security information through education, good practices and competitions. ECSM’13 activities will take place throughout the month of October all over Europe, with the support of the European Commission and ENISA.
Forthcoming ECSM events:
- ECSM website launch
- Kick-off event this October in Brussels
- October Month: Network and Information Security activities throughout Europe
- Evaluation meeting and ECSM roadmap
Network and Information Security stakeholders are invited to get involved here.
For more information, you can follow the dedicated Twitter account (@CyberSecMonth) or write to stakeholderrelations at