Prepare your organization for the new EU Directives and Regulations - Second week of the European Cyber Security Month

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'Governance, privacy and data protection' is the theme of the campaign's second week.

It aims to inform organizations on how to prepare for the new EU Directives and Regulations such as the NIS Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

During this week, ENISA and its ECSM partners will be organising events and activities centered around education materials, strategy summits, general presentations to users, online quizzes etc.

Check the interactive map to find out more about what is happening in your city this week!

Check out the short video clip that ENISA and the European Commission DG CONNECT released to raise awareness of Cyber Security in the Workplace!

Would you like to test your knowledge on general security and privacy? Try the NIS Quiz and obtain a CyberSecMonth badge!

"Cyber security is a shared responsibility – Stop. Think. Connect."

Follow the campaign on Twitter @CyberSecMonth #CyberSecMonth, #OctoberNIS