Signing of the seat agreement between ENISA, Minister Pappas and Secretary General Maglaras on behalf of the Hellenic Authorities

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The European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) has today, the 13th November 2018, signed a new Seat Agreement in Athens.

The Seat Agreement is a document prepared by the Hellenic Authorities, which sets down the detail of arrangements for the operations of ENISA in Greece. 

At the signing ceremony, ENISA was represented by its Executive Director, Prof. Dr. Helmbrecht, and the Hellenic Authorities were represented by Minister Pappas, the Minister for Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media.

ENISA was set up in 2004, pursuant to the EU Regulation 460/2004 and the Heads of State of the Member States agreed in December 2003 – that ENISA should be located in a location in Greece, to be determined by the Hellenic Authorities.

Udo Helmbrecht, Executive Director of ENISA said: “The signing of this Seat Agreement is an important milestone in securing the future of ENISA and is a demonstration of the Hellenic Authorities’ commitment to the success of the Agency. The conditions laid down in the agreement should help in attracting the best cybersecurity professionals in Europe to join ENISA”.

The new Seat Agreement signed today includes the following main points:

  1. The premises of the Agency shall be located in the metropolitan area of Athens, with a branch office in Heraklion Crete;
  2. The Government of the Hellenic Authorities shall do their utmost to host the Agency at premises appropriate to the effective and efficient operation of the Agency, owned by the Hellenic Republic.
  3. The Hellenic Authorities have agreed to a number of supports for staff, to encourage the best professional cybersecurity staff to work for the Agency in Greece.