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Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Ms Baiba Braže, and a delegation of high-level cybersecurity officials from Moldova visited ENISA headquarters in Athens

The necessity for better information sharing and enhanced cooperation are the key take-aways of today’s meetings at both political and technical level.

Published on July 03, 2024

Earlier today, ENISA had the honour to welcome at its premises H.E. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, Ms Baiba Braže. The Minister was debriefed about the EU’s cybersecurity threat landscape and the EU’s latest cybersecurity policy initiatives. H.E. the Minister was accompanied by Ambassador of Republic of Latvia in the Hellenic Republic, Ms Ieva Briede, and the Head of her cabinet, Mr Kaspars Krumholcs. The Latvian delegation also exchanged views on current cybersecurity challenges with the Executive Director of ENISA, Mr Juhan Lepassaar, and ENISA cybersecurity experts.  

Latvia ranks among the EU Member States that have advanced in the process of transposing the NIS2 provisions into their national law. Additionally, during the past month, the National Cyber Security Law was adopted by the Latvian parliament, which foresees the establishment of the Latvian National Cyber Security Centre. 

Earlier in the day, the ENISA Executive Director held a meeting with the Director of the newly established Moldovan National Cybersecurity Agency, Mr Mihai Lupascu, the Director of Information Technology and Cyber Security Service (STISC), Mr Alexandru Corethi and Mr Sergiu Postica, cybersecurity expert of the National Cybersecurity Organisation of Moldova. The meeting mainly focused on the latest cybersecurity developments in the region. The Moldovan delegation also provided insights on the main cybersecurity challenges that the country is currently facing and highlighted their interest in cooperating with ENISA to increase the country’s cybersecurity preparedness and resilience while continuing their collaboration with various EU Member States.  


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