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Promoting security in the digital world during the European Cybersecurity Month

This year’s campaign theme is social engineering, a prevalent cybersecurity threat in the digital landscape.

Reporting on Threathunt 2030: Navigating the future of the cybersecurity threat landscape

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) organised the 2024 edition of the ‘Threathunt 2030’ in Athens, the flagship conference on cybersecurity threats foresight.

Skills shortage and unpatched systems soar to high-ranking 2030 cyber threats

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) publishes the executive summary of this year’s ‘Foresight Cybersecurity Threats for 2030’ presenting an overview of key findings in the top 10 ranking.

Trust Services & Digital Wallets: Moving to the Cloud and Remote Identity Proofing

In order to address the cybersecurity questions of remote identity proofing, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) organised a workshop to support the area of Trust Services and Digital Wallets and published a report on moving trust…

Ransomware: Publicly Reported Incidents are only the tip of the iceberg

The threat landscape report on ransomware attacks published today by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) uncovers the shortcomings of the current reporting mechanisms across the EU.

Threathunt 2030: How to Hunt Down Emerging & Future Cyber Threats

Understanding emerging cybersecurity threats and future scenarios was the objective of “Threathunt 2030”, a new flagship conference organised by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity on Friday, 6th of May.

Understanding and dealing with phishing during the COVID-19 pandemic

Email phishing attacks have spiked due to Coronavirus. However, protecting ourselves against scams is both a feasible and essential step, discover how!

Tips for selecting and using online communication tools

ENISA offers some practical advice to SMEs with regard to the security and privacy aspects that should be considered upon the selection and use of online communication tools.

Top Tips for Cybersecurity when Working Remotely

The EU Agency for Cybersecurity's Executive Director, Juhan Lepassaar shares his top tips for teleworking in times of Covid-19.