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New CERTs material

New CERTs material launched: Field report from the two CSIRT exercise pilots, First draft definition of "Baseline capabilities for national / governmental CERTs", and 3 Live DVD images for the CSIRT exercises

Call 4 papers - SecureCloud2010

Call for papers, 'SecureCloud2010', 16-17 March, 2010

ED visits BSI

The Executive Director of ENISA made a key note speech at the official inauguration ceremony of the new BSI President Mr Michael Hange in Bonn, Germany, taking place in the former German Bundestag.

Awareness Raising Award

The Awareness Raising team of ENISA got the runner up award for the category "Security Education Programme" in the"Real IT Awards 2009"

ED speech at the European Security Round Table in Brussels

Find the speech ENISA presented during the ESRT working group meeting on November 27th, in Brussels.

Quantum Key Distribution 'Briefing' paper

ENISA 'Briefing’ paper on Quantum Key Distribution.

Fourth Internet Governance Forum in Egypt

Dr. Steve Purser represented ENISA in two panel discussions at the Internet Governance Forum in Egypt.

ENISA targets Micro Enterprises

ENISA targets Micro Enterprises - the Real Giants of EU Economy

ENISA teams up with Member States on pan-European CIIP exercise

ENISA teams up with Member States on pan-European CIIP exercise