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Process Integration section

The section Process Integration has been updated.

BCM & Resilience section

BCM & Resilience section has been added to the RM/RA website.

ITU launches initiative to protect children online, with ENISA endorsement

ITU launched a new initiative today to safeguard children, the most vulnerable users of the Internet. Addressing ITU’s high-level meeting on cybersecurity by video message, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, "We have to protect against…

Real ISMS Tool

The tool Axur ISMS has been updated to Real ISMS on the inventory of RM/RA tools.


The tool Stream has been added on the inventory of RM/RA tools.

Risk Management Studio Tool

The tool Risk Management Studio has been updated on the inventory of RM/RA tools.

Information package for SMEs in 4 news languages

ENISA announces the availability of translated versions of the deliverable “Information package for SMEs”. This deliverable describes a simplified Risk Assessment approach targeting Small and Medium Enterprises.

Resolver*Risk Tool & Resolver*Ballot Tool

The tools Resolver*Risk and Resolver*Ballot have been added on the inventory of RM/RA tools.


The method ISAMM has been added to the inventory of RM/RA methods.


The tool ISAMM has been updated on the inventory of RM/RA tools.