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ENISA Brokers Sharing of Good CERT Practice

Hungary and Bulgaria progress in successful cooperation

Integrated RM section

Integrated RM section has been added to the RM/RA website. An interactive tool with the process interfaces has been published in this section at HTML Model page.

RM/RA Tool Axur ISMS

The tool Axur ISMS has been added on the inventory of Risk Management / Risk Assessment tools.

PSG Meeting Presentations

ENISA presents information about Emerging and Future Risk during the Permanent Stakeholders' Group Meeting of 04/04/2008.

EFR Methods

A new ENISA report regarding the methods for the Identification of Emerging and Future Risks has been added to the Emerging Risks section


The method MEHARI has been updated on the inventory of Risk Management / Risk Assessment methods.

RM/RA Tool Modulo Risk Manager

The tool Modulo Risk Manager has been added on the inventory of Risk Management / Risk Assessment tools.

Business and IT Continuity: Overview and Implementation Principles

ENISA publishes a report on Business Continuity risk analysis methods for SMEs.

Ad hoc Working Group on Risk Management 2007-2008

ENISA publishes terms of reference for ad hoc Working Group on Risk Management appointed in 2007-2008.

Ad hoc Working Group on Risk Management 2006-2007

ENISA publishes results from the ad hoc Working Group on Risk Management produced in 2006-2007.