The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity’s first NIS360 report identifies areas for improvement and tracking of…
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity’s first NIS360 report identifies areas for improvement and tracking of…
In accordance with Article 18 of the NIS 2 Directive, ENISA was tasked to prepare a biennial report on the state of…
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA welcomes the EU Action Plan for the cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare…
The latest report of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) aims to support policy makers in assessing…
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity releases two studies to develop and support incident response teams, during the 12th meeting of the CSIRTs Network.
Experts from eIDAS supervisory bodies discussed recent security incidents, and exchanged information on trust services security and incident reporting at two-day expert meeting.
ENISA is releasing its ‘Telecom Security During a Pandemic’ report at the 32nd meeting of EU telecom security authorities. Underlining the current strength of the sector in the face of the pandemic, the report also calls for increased cooperation…
In the lead up to the EU Agency for Cybersecurity’s forthcoming Cybersecurity for SMEs report, the Agency gathered European businesses, agencies and associations to share their views on the major challenges faced by SMEs in a time of heightened…
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity issues a comprehensive report of the CAM cybersecurity ecosystem. It aims at supporting the efforts of the European Commission and Member States competent authorities in deciding how to transpose the…
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity launches today ISAC in a BOX a comprehensive online toolkit to support the establishment, development and evaluation of Information Sharing and Analysis Centres (ISACs).