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Leon conclusions: ENISA to bridge gap between technology & policy

Leon conference conclusions: ENISA to bridge the gap between technology and policy

Heads of EU Agencies meet Barroso

The Heads of the EU Agencies, met on 17 February with the European Commission President José Manuel Barroso. The objective is to discuss ways to strengthen the partnership between EU Agencies and the European Commission, the European Parliament and…

Safer Internet Day - 09/02/2010

"Think B4 U post!"

1st Pan European CIIP exercise

Member States take a decisive step toward the first pan European Exercise on CIIP

Focus article: the third ENISA Anti-Spam Measures Survey

“What Are the Measures Used by European Providers to Reduce the Amount of Spam Received by Their Customers?"

Resilience Exercises

Good Practice Guide on National Exercises

Incident Reporting

Good Practice Guide on Incident Reporting Mechanisms

New EQR launched

The latest edition of the ENISA Quarterly Review, Q4/09 is online.

Emerging and Future Risks: Call for Scenario Proposals

In 2010 ENISA will perform two new assessments of emerging and future risks. This call for proposal aims to collect scenarios based on emerging technologies and applications and to assess emerging and future risks. The deadline for proposals…

Work Programme 2010

Work Programme 2010 presented