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Telecoms taken by storm: Natural phenomena dominate the outage picture

A total of 157 telecom outages were reported by the 28 EU member states and 2 EFTA countries, as part of the EU-wide telecom security breach reporting for the year 2018. Today ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, publishes the 8th annual…

Artificial Intelligence: an opportunity for cyber-crisis management in the EU

On 3 and 4 June 2019, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, ENISA organised a conference in Athens, which focused on the future of the EU cyber-crisis management. The advantages and challenges were identified, particularly where the use of artificial…

High time to protect the internet route map: Here are 7 basics

BGP hijacks, hacking the internet route map, continue to happen. Despite years of warnings by security experts. This spells danger for national security, privacy of citizens, and the resilience of the internet, both in Europe and globally.

EU Member States test their cybersecurity preparedness for fair and free 2019 EU elections

Today the European Parliament, the EU Member States, the European Commission and the EU Agency for cybersecurity (ENISA) organised an exercise to test the EU’s response and crisis plans for potential cybersecurity incidents affecting the EU…

ENISA: 15 years of building cybersecurity bridges together

On 19 March 2019, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity ENISA organised an event in Brussels to celebrate its 15-year anniversary.

ENISA makes recommendations on EU-wide election cybersecurity

In the context of the upcoming elections for the European Parliament, today the EU Agency for Cybersecurity ENISA publishes an opinion paper on the cybersecurity of elections and provides concrete and forward-looking recommendations to improve…

Your must-have IoT security checklist: ENISA’s online tool for IoT and Smart Infrastructures Security

ENISA releases today an online tool aimed at guiding IoT operators and industries of IoT and Smart Infrastructure when conducting risk assessments.

ENISA publishes training course material on network forensics for cybersecurity specialists

ENISA has introduced an updated and improved set of training materials on network forensics.

Hope is stronger than fear: ENISA celebrates the European Data Protection Day

ENISA today celebrates the 13th European Data Protection Day. This date marks the anniversary of the Council of Europe Convention 108 on the protection of personal information that provides an impetus for the protection of personal data in the EU…

Exposure to cyber-attacks in the EU remains high - New ENISA Threat Landscape report analyses the latest cyber threats

In 2018, the cyber threat landscape changed significantly. The most important threat agent groups, namely cyber-criminals and state-sponsored actors have further advanced their motives and tactics. Monetisation motives contributed to the…