Green light for new regulation for EU Cyber Security Agency ENISA given by the European Parliament

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Today, 16, April, the European Parliament voted in plenary in Strasbourg, on the new regulation proposal for strengthening ENISA, the EU’s “cyber security” Agency (formally the European Network and Information Security Agency).

The regulation proposal was adopted as tabled, without any additional amendments, with an overwhelming majority of the Members of Parliament, MEPs, with 626 votes in favour out of the 687 votes given in total, for a reinforced Agency.

ENISA’s Executive Director, Professor Udo Helmbrecht, commented on the outcome:

“We welcome this important step of the political process, where the European Parliament in plenary has given its full endorsement and support for strengthening ENISA, enabling it to focus its work more intensively on prevention and preparedness in the field of cyber security. In light of the political reality, with cyber security ever higher up on the political agenda, this strong acknowledgement of our work is a very important step. The vote of the European Parliament gives a green light for the continued and enhanced role of ENISA in its function of assisting Member States in improving the level of Network & Information Security throughout the EU.“

“With this new mandate, ENISA is able to fully support the EU’s Cyber Security Strategy, envisaging a reinforced role for ENISA, with the intention to increase resources to help protect Europe’s digital society and economy. The Strategy is also providing ENISA with a framework for both working more closely with and providing its expertise to other EU bodies, like Europol, who are operationally responsible for cyber-crime, and the European External Action Service, regarding cyber security at a global level”, Helmbrecht concludes.


Total of voting figures by the MEPs: 687

Votes in favour: 626

Votes against: 45

Abstentions: 16


Background: the EU’s Cybersecurity strategy

ENISA Final regulation (Scroll down to Chichester, amendments. Click on the Amendments (green 'button') and a menu will open underneath with only one amendment. This is the consolidated version of the text agreed with the Council in word format and available in all languages

European Parliament Press release

Commission press release

For interviews: Ulf Bergstrom, Spokesman, [email protected], or mobile: +30 6948 460 143, or Steve Purser, Head of Core Operations Department, mobile phone: 00 30 6948 460 139.