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Temporary Agent 2(f) - Grade bracket: AD6-AD8

The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is looking to draw up reserve lists of in total 75 candidates, from which at least 12 experts will be recruited immediately to start work in 2020 and potentially 6 experts with a starting date of 01.01.2021 to support the Agency’s activities in one or more of the following areas, pursuant to Chapter II of Regulation (EU) 2019/881 - Cybersecurity Act (CSA).

Place of employment: Athens, Greece.

Temporary agents 2(f) from EU Agencies, in function groups AD6, AD7 or AD8 are invited to apply in accordance with ENISA rules: DECISION No MB/12 of the Management Board of the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) on the general implementing provisions on the procedure governing the engagement and use of temporary staff under Article 2(f) of the CEOS.

Eligibility criteria:

1.      Be Temporary Agent 2(f) who, on the closing date for applications and on the day of filling the vacant post, are employed within their current Agency in a grade and function group corresponding to the published function group and grade bracket (AD6-AD8);

2.      Have at least 2 years service within their current Agency before moving;

3.      Have successfully completed the probationary period provided for in Article 14 of the CEOS, in the relevant function group.

For more information related to eligibility rules, please read carefully the call and the Rules on the engagement and use of temporary staff under Article 2(f).

Please send us your application by no later than 20 May 2020 at 15:00 CET. 

What candidates is ENISA looking for?

ENISA is looking for candidates that fit into one or more of the following profiles:

Profile A: knowledge and experience in cybersecurity on a technical, operational or strategic level, acquired through relevant academic studies, research and/or professional experience as a manager, expert, analyst, officer or IT specialist in private or public sector.

Profile B: sectorial ICT technical or ICT policy knowledge and experience, and proven professional understanding of cybersecurity issues in one or more sectors or policy fields (e.g. transport, energy, telecommunications, financial services, utilities, health, digital services, emerging technologies etc.) or in the digital economy and society, acquired through relevant academic studies, research and/or professional experience as ICT manager, ICT expert or ICT policy officer in the private or public sector.

Profile C: strong background in economics, law, journalism, communication, social sciences, EU public sector, etc. with a relevant link to cybersecurity resulting in a proven insight and proven understanding and interest into cybersecurity, acquired through relevant academic studies, research and/or professional experience in EU or national private or public sector.

The call for expression of interest covers function group administrators (AD) across three grades in line with the EU institutions grading system ranging from AD6 to AD8. As part of the process, the reserve list that will be formed for each grade will also be used to identify candidates for future positions.

The reserve lists established will be valid until 31/12/2022.

For more information related to the profiles, tasks, eligibility requirements, selection criteria, etc. we invite you to read carefully the Call for expression of interest for Temporary Agent.

ac Additional information related to conditions of employment, data protection, appeal process please refer to Annex I.

Kindly be informed that ENISA is accepting queries relevant to recruiting only through email, please address all your questions to   as indicated on the vacancy notice.

How to Apply

How to apply?

1.      In order to be considered for this call, you must submit an application in English which includes:

       a)     a CV in Europass format;
       b)     a completed Talent Screener Form.

2.      You may apply for one or more grades. However, only complete applications (Europass CV and Talent Screener Form) will be accepted and considered further in the evaluation process. Please note only the Europass CV will be considered. Should candidates not use the respective format, their application will be excluded. The application should be sent before the extended deadline: 20 May 2020 at 15:00 CET, to the following address:

3.      In the field "subject" of the email you must quote the grade, your surname and name and the reference number of the selection procedure you wish to apply for  (e.g. if you apply for AD6 the subject of your email should be AD6_SURNAME_Name_ENISA-TA-AD-2020-01). You may apply for one or more grades.

4.      Please allow yourself sufficient time to read the call carefully and to prepare your application. We strongly recommend  not to wait until the very last day. Applications sent after the deadline will not be considered.

5.      Please check before submitting your application whether you fulfill all the requirements as specified in the call.

Note: If you don’t receive the acknowledgement receipt, please contact us immediately at:

Management board

Chair: Stephen PURSER

Vice Chair: Christian VAN HEURCK

Staff Committee Member: Ann-Charlott ANDERSSON

Member and Staff Committee Representative: Marco BARROS LOURENCO

Member and Staff Committee representative: Mari DEKKER

Member: Georgia PAPPA

Member: Frank VAN BOVEN

Member: Florent FREDERIX

Member: Jean-Francois JUNGER

Staff Committee Member: Silvia PORTESI

Member: Raluca STEFANUC

Member and Staff Committee Representative: Panagiotis TRIMINTZIOS

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1. When and where are vacancy notices for the Agency published?