9th Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference

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European standardisation supporting new legislative cybersecurity landscape

The European Standardisation Organizations CEN, CENELEC and ETSI, are pleased to join forces with ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, to organise the 9th Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference. The 2025 Conference will address the following topics:

  • State of play of the European standardisation What are the current challenges? What is the role of European Standardisation Organisations in the global ecosystem?
  • Interplay of cybersecurity legislation – How to map requirements from various laws to standards? Where are we with the standards for the most recent regulations?
  • Overarching cybersecurity by standards – What are the different approaches and processes towards standardisation? What are we doing in the most important areas?
  • Visions of the future – Where are we heading, and where should we head? What challenges await us in the near future and how to prepare for them?


The full agenda is already available here! Among the confirmed speakers: high officials of the European Commission, European Standardisation Organisations and ENISA; experts from cybersecurity associations, industry organisations and various standardisation committees.

Participation and registration

The event will be hybrid, favoring networking opportunities and live interactions for the onsite participants and speakers. 

200 seats are available, assigned on a first-come-first-served basis. For the convenience of those who are not able to travel, the event will also be accessible live. 

Registration is now open!

Unfortunately we have already crossed the limit of places for on-site registration - there is still an unlimited number of places the online experience. Should you be genuinely planning to attend in person, please contact the organisers, a reserve list will be created (you will be notified of eventual inclusion in the final participants list at the beginning of March).

Join us also on social media and be part of the interactive debate with #Standards4Cyber

Programme committee

The Programme Committee of the 9th ENISA-ESOs Cybersecurity Standardisation Conference 2025 is composed of recognised European experts in the area of cybersecurity standardisation.

Sławomir Górniak – ENISA, Chairman 
Nooshin Amirifar – CEN-CENELEC
Kim Nordström – ETSI
Sonia Compans – STMicroelectronics
Arno Fiedler, Andrea Röck – ETSI TC ESI
Walter Fumy – CEN-CENELEC JTC13
Michaela Klopstra – Accenture, ETSI TC CYBER
Ben Kokx – Philips, CEN-CENELEC JTC13
Kai Rannenberg – Goethe University Frankfurt, ISO/IEC SC27, CEN-CENELEC JTC13
François Zamora – Orange, ISO/IEC SC27