On 4 October 2017, the EU Cybersecurity Agency ENISA and the Dutch National Cybersecurity Centre (NCSC) organised the fifth edition of the ENISA National Cybersecurity Strategies (NCSS) workshop.
The event took place in The Hague, the Netherlands, and focused on pan-European collaboration in the area of cybersecurity, one of the main strategic objectives of the NCSS.
While bringing together stakeholders from the public and the private sector, the organisers discussed about the latest developments in terms of national cyber security strategies. They exchanged best practices and new approaches with experts from the international community.
An important part of the workshop was dedicated to revealing ENISA's work on the NCSS and the new NCSS map.
The cybersecurity specialists presented the work done one the NCSS's key objectives: public–private partnerships and European Information Sharing and Analysis Centres.
The importance of collaboration between EU Member States has been emphasised in both the Network Information Security Directive and the recently announced EU cybersecurity package, and was extensively discussed during the workshop.
Since 2012, ENISA has been supporting the EU Member States in developing, implementing and evaluating their National Cyber Security Strategies. To achieve this goal, ENISA has developed several tools, studies, guidelines and an experts group.
Currently, all 28 EU Member States have a National Cyber Security Strategy in place, as opposed to 2012, when only 12 Member States had taken this important step.
ENISA has recently updated its interactive NCSS map, improving its usability and introducing new features e.g. the strategy's implemented objectives and detailed examples.
Check out the new version of the NCSS map.
Find out more information and details about ENISA's work on NCSS.