The EU Agency for Cybersecurity calls for experts in Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an emerging concept facilitating intelligent and automated decision-making. Whereas undoubtedly beneficial, one should not sidestep the fact that AI and its application on automated decision making might open up new avenues in manipulation and attack methods, while creating new security and privacy challenges.
ENISA launches a call for an Ad Hoc Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) cybersecurity to bring together a multi-disciplinary group of experts. The scope of this ad hoc working group is to advise ENISA on cybersecurity topics related to Artificial Intelligence.
Participants to the AI working group shall contribute to enhancing the current knowledge of AI by sharing their expertise on current threats, challenges and solutions, while interacting with a broad range of stakeholders for the purpose of collecting input on:
- AI cybersecurity;
- AI explainability and trustworthiness;
- AI risk management;
- Sectorial AI expertise;
- Algorithmic security;
- Data security in relation to AI;
Other relevant topics and key tasks of this ad hoc working group include:
- advising ENISA on developing an asset taxonomy and threat landscape for Artificial Intelligence using risk management methodology;
- advising on mitigating AI risks, including advice on specific use cases and application scenarios in the field;
- reviewing of related ENISA deliverables;
- advising ENISA on related security measures and recommendations;
- providing general advice to ENISA in carrying out its tasks in relation to Artificial Intelligence cybersecurity.
How to apply:
Information about the Artificial Intelligence experts group, the terms of reference and the application form in the page dedicated to the ad hoc Working Group call.
Applicants will be selected according to defined selection criteria included in the call. Members shall be appointed by the Executive Director of ENISA.
EXTENDED deadline for applications 18:00 CET (Brussels time) on 22th April 2020.
Further Information:
Artificial Intelligence ad hoc Working Group call
ENISA website's section on Artificial Intelligence
For interviews and questions [email protected]