EU-US workshop agenda - now online

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The first joint EU-US Open Workshop on Cyber Security for Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Smart Grids will be held on October 15th, 2012 in Amsterdam, supported by ENISA.


The workshop will gather key European and American companies and public authorities to exchange information on policies and best practices. The aim is to strengthen cyber security and explore areas for further cooperation. A main focus will be promoting benefits from transatlantic collaboration.

The detailed agenda is available here.

Background information:

The EU-US Working Group on Cyber Security and Cyber Crime (EU-US WG) was established in the context of the EU-US Summit of 20 November 2010 in Lisbon to “tackle new threats to the global networks upon which the security and prosperity of our free societies increasingly depend”. ICS and smart grids are two of these priority areas identified.

ENISA and EU Member States are supporting the European Commission and the US Department of Homeland Security in developing a Strategy and Action Plan on ICS and Smart Grids.