Network Information Security in Education

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Agency broker role in cyber security in Education. ENISA and three member States met to discuss how to better exchange of good security practices.

On 28th of November 2011 in Linz, Austria, ENISA met delegates from 3 German speaking countries; (Luxembourg, Austria and Germany) to discuss how to better broker information on the topic of Network Information Security in Education. Among the issues discussed were how to achieve a better sharing of good security practices, such as:

  • Base teaching on emotional issues and not purely technical ones (LU)
  • Apply successful partnership models for a better and more efficient outreach (LU)
  • Adopt roles for teachers as multipliers in schools (AU)
  • Use existing material on information security policy for schools (LU)
  • Gaining more visibility at EU level through communication work (ENISA)

The three Member States are expected to intensify their cooperation of NIS in Education. The identified points of common interest will constitute the basis of future collaborations and discussions. ENISA will follow up on the topic in its Work Programme 2012. In 2011, ENISA published a report on the topic containing consolidated information from past ENISA reports.

For more information on the topic, please contact: Louis Marinos (Louis.Marinos Q or Daria Catalui (Daria.Catalui Q