New cyber security information service launched today by ENISA

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ENISA launched today its new cyber security information service “Cyber Security Info Notes” with the aim to provide timely key information and recommendations on cyber security topics and incidents.

“Cyber Security Info Notes” are short papers produced by ENISA on information security topics, which aim at highlighting assessed facts regarding information security related incidents and developments. The main focus is on providing an independent and ‘calm’ opinion and on advising stakeholders targeted by these incidents/developments.

The philosophy and goals of the Agency’s information service are to provide an expert point of view that is not driven by urgency. “Cyber Security Info Notes” deliver a neutral, balanced and comprehensive point of view, together with recommendations. This work consists of a synthesis of both publicly available material and own experience.

ENISA has updated and enhanced its existing “Info Notes” service with the aim of producing useful information for its stakeholder communities based on all of the Agency’s work. The content covers a wide range of cybersecurity information e.g. vulnerabilities, threats, incidents, developments etc.

In addition ENISA aims to establish context out of security information. This contribution will be achieved by putting current events, incidents and news into the context of internal and external work.

ENISA’s Cyber Security Info Notes will be published on a regular basis (1-2 per month) and on a per request basis such as during the event of important cyber security incidents.

For more information visit ENISA’s Cyber Security Info Notes section.

“Disinformation operations in cyber-space”

The first Cyber Security Info Note titled “Disinformation operations in cyber-space” outlines the emergence of disinformation campaigns in cyber-space. In the context of disinformation operations, the note provides an overview of the trending threat of "tainted leaks" and depicts the mitigation approach used against a recent disinformation campaign.

For the full note: Disinformation operations in cyber-space