ENISA's ED speaks at European Parliament
The Executive Director of ENISA, Prof. Udo Helmbrecht, gave an update and overview of the cyber security activities of the Agency in the European Parliament on Thursday, 26th May. This included the Agency’s current prevention activities to counter cyber security threats, and its work on how to protect Europe’s networks and information in the future.
Professor Helmbrecht was speaking at the latest meeting of the Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE). He emphasised the importance of IT security for Europe’s economy, noted the increasing ICT dependence of citizens and addressed current cyber security threats that ENISA is addressing in its Work Programme.
The Executive Director’s speech ‘ENISA today and in the future’, is available here. After Prof Helmbrecht’s presentation, contributions were also made by other key network and information security experts. A Questions and Answers session followed with the Members of Parliament.
For full programme,
This session was a ’ mini-hearing’ before the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy, the ITRE Committee under the Chair of Mr Giles Chichester.