White paper on digital security published by European Standardisation bodies

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In response to the European Union’s Cyber Security Strategy, the Cyber Security Coordination Group (CSCG) has published a White Paper with recommendations on digital security. The CSCG’s recommendations underline the importance of Cyber Security standardisation to complete the European internal market and to raise the level of Cyber Security in Europe in general.

For the full paper: Recommendations for a Strategy on European Cyber Security Standardisation

Rolling plan for ICT Standardization


The Cyber Security Coordination Group (CSCG) of CEN, CENELEC and ETSI is the only joint group of the three officially recognised European Standardisation Organisations with a mandate to coordinate Cyber Security standards within their organisations. The CSCG was created in late 2011 to provide strategic advice on standardisation in the field of IT security, Network and Information Security and Cyber Security.ENISA participates in CSCG.