LOT 1 - Provision of interim agent support services at ENISA and Cedefop premises in Athens and Thessaloniki, GR
Maximum budget: € 3.300.000,00 over 4 years
LOT 2 - Provision of interim agent support services at ENISA office in Brussels, BE
Maximum budget: € 1.100.000,00 over 4 years
Tenderers may bid for either one or both Lots
This call for tenders is being launched as an interagency procurement, under the lead of the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (lead CA) with the participation of Cedefop Agency, collectively referred to as 'the Contracting Authority'. By means of this Call for Tenders the Contracting Authority seeks to conclude a single framework contract for each LOT with a qualified economic operator able to provide interim agent support services.
The tender documentation will be available on 16th November 2023 via the F&T portal, which gives exclusive access to the eSubmission portal for submitting your offer - please use this link: https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/opportunities/tender-details/b1ef4119-5f08-4bd5-a7b1-821681389071-CN#anchorDocuments
The documentation is also provided below for reference purposes only (by first clicking on the tender title link above).