OPEN Tender Procedure (3 LOTS)
LOT 1 - Support services for the EU cybersecurity certification framework
Maximum budget: € 600.000,00 over 4 years
The EU cybersecurity certification framework lays down the procedure for the creation of EU cybersecurity certification schemes, covering ICT products, services and processes. ENISA requires support for its efforts in this domain.
LOT 2 - Support services for EU cybersecurity market analysis
Maximum budget: € 200.000,00 over 4 years
ENISA seeks support for its work on various activities in the area of cybersecurity market analysis such as annual cybersecurity market analyses, collection of market information and data, processing, analysing data and reporting, and other related activities
LOT 3 - Support services for cybersecurity standardisation
Maximum budget: € 200.000,00 over 4 years
ENISA seeks support services for its defined role in the Cybersecurity Act (CSA), along the lines of standards and certification, to support, analyse, propose and break new ground on cybersecurity standardisation.
LOT 1 will conclude with multiple framework contracts with reopening of competiton, while LOTs 2 and 3 will conclude with a single framework contract each. Tenderers are welcome to bid for one or more LOTs.
The tender documentation is available via the F&T portal, which gives exclusive access to the eSubmission portal for submitting your offer - please use this link
The tender documentation and annexes are also provided below (by first clicking on the tender title link above) for reference purposes only and cannot be considered as the formal documentation.
Please note that questions for clarification can ONLY be sent via the questions and answers section of the Funding and Tenders portal.