
Featured publications

2024 Report on the State of the Cybersecurity in the Union

This document marks the first report on the state of cybersecurity in the Union, adopted by ENISA in cooperation with the NIS Cooperation Group and the European Commission, in accordance with Article 18 of the Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (…

ENISA Threat Landscape 2024

Seven prime cybersecurity threats were identified in 2024, with threats against availability topping the chart and followed by ransomware and threats against data, and the report provides a relevant deep-dive on each one of them by analysing…

Best Practices for Cyber Crisis Management

This study highlights the complexities behind the notion of cyber crisis and the degree of subjectivity it involves. The elevation of a large-scale cyber incident into a cyber crisis relies predominantly on a political decision, and depends…

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Annual Incident Reports 2015

For the fifth year, ENISA publishes the annual report about significant outage incidents in the European electronic communications sector, which are reported to ENISA and the European Commission (EC) under Article 13a of the Framework Directive (…

The cost of incidents affecting CIIs

The aim of the study is to assess the economic impact of incidents that affect CIIs in EU, based on existing work done by different parties, and set the proper ground for the future work of ENISA in this area.

Impact evaluation on the implementation of Article 13a incident reporting scheme within EU

As several years have passed since the publication and implementation of the Framework Directive 2009/140 including Art. 13a, an impact evaluation of the new article was necessary. The evaluation has the purpose of assessing the changes in outcome…

NIS Directive and national CSIRTs

This is an informative note on what provisions of the upcoming NIS Directive might mean for CSIRTs. It contains references to parts of the Directive, and some comments and proposals from our side. By no means we consider this document fix or final,…