
Featured publications

2024 Report on the State of the Cybersecurity in the Union

This document marks the first report on the state of cybersecurity in the Union, adopted by ENISA in cooperation with the NIS Cooperation Group and the European Commission, in accordance with Article 18 of the Directive (EU) 2022/2555 (…

ENISA Threat Landscape 2024

Seven prime cybersecurity threats were identified in 2024, with threats against availability topping the chart and followed by ransomware and threats against data, and the report provides a relevant deep-dive on each one of them by analysing…

Best Practices for Cyber Crisis Management

This study highlights the complexities behind the notion of cyber crisis and the degree of subjectivity it involves. The elevation of a large-scale cyber incident into a cyber crisis relies predominantly on a political decision, and depends…

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Demand Side of Cyber Insurance in the EU

The report analyses current perspectives and challenges of Operator of Essential Services (OESs) related to the acquirement of cyber insurance services. Information and statistics are presented according to the selection, acquisition and use of…

Cybersecurity Education Initiatives in the EU Member States

Today, the internet is a tool used in many educational activities, which increases the amount of time children are exposed to cyberspace and its risks. Informing young users about the importance of maintaining personal privacy is not enough to keep…

Cyber Europe 2022: After Action Report

Findings from a PAN-EUROPEAN cyber crisis Exercise

European Cybersecurity Skills Framework (ECSF) - User Manual

The ECSF User Manual provides a comprehensive overview of the ECSF’s main scope, framework principles and application opportunities. The primary purpose of the manual is to make the ECSF easily accessible by, understandable for, and usable by all…

European Cybersecurity Skills Framework Role Profiles

The ECSF role profiles document lists the 12 typical cybersecurity professional role profiles along with their identified titles, missions, tasks, skills, knowledge, competences. The main purpose of this framework is to create a common…

Cross-Sector Exercise Requirements

This report aims to identify the skills, exercises and training needed to ensure that the information exchange among the European information sharing and analysis centres (ISACs) is effective and efficient.

Zoning and Conduits for Railways

This document gives guidance on building zones and conduits for a railway system. To do so, first the methodology is described. This approach is based on the recently published CENELEC Technical Specification 50701 (CLC/CLC/TS 50701:2021).

NFV Security in 5G - Challenges and Best Practices

In this report explores relevant challenges, vulnerabilities and attacks to the Network Function Virtualization (NFV) within the 5G network. NFV changes the network security environment due to resource pools based on cloud computing and open network…

Security and Privacy for public DNS Resolvers

Domain Name System (DNS) resolution is a hierarchical distributed system of protocols and systems, whose main purpose is to map the human friendly domain names, such as, to machine readable IP…

Addressing Skills Shortage and Gap Through Higher Education

In this report, ENISA contributes to both practice and research on the cybersecurity skills shortage and gap in two distinctive areas. Firstly, it provides an overview of the current supply of cybersecurity skills in Europe through an analysis of…