Cybersecurity in the home: ECSM Week 3
The third week of the 2017 European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) has kicked off. The theme of the week is ‘cybersecurity in the home’.
ENISA Management Board meeting concludes with a positive exchange of views
On 12 October 2017, ENISA was pleased to receive the visit of its Management Board and Despina Spanou, Director for Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity, at the Agency’s premises in Athens, Greece.
Prepare your organization for the new EU Directives and Regulations - Second week of the European Cyber Security Month
'Governance, privacy and data protection' is the theme of the campaign's second week.
The EU Cybersecurity Agency ENISA receives visit of its UK Management Board representatives
Heather Butler and Colin Whorlow, the UK representatives of ENISA’s Management Board, visited the Agency’s headquarters in Athens for a discussion with staff from the Core Operations Department (COD) on current activities and priorities.
ENISA and Dutch National Cyber Security Centre organised the 5th NCSS workshop
On 4 October 2017, the EU Cybersecurity Agency ENISA and the Dutch National Cybersecurity Centre (NCSC) organised the fifth edition of the ENISA National Cybersecurity Strategies (NCSS) workshop.
ENISA’s fifth Industry Event allowed a fruitful discussion with the NIS industry community
ENISA’s fifth Industry Event engaged EU based small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), mid-cap companies and start-ups, and focused on business opportunities in cybersecurity and EU financial mechanisms.
European Cyber Security Month kicks-off with “Cyber Security in the Workplace”
The first week of the European Cyber Security Month focuses on ‘Cyber Security in the Workplace’.
European Cyber Security Month: United against Cyber Security Threats
October 2017 is European Cyber Security Month and this year marks the 5th year anniversary of the European Cyber Security Month campaign.
Save the Date! 3rd ehealth Security Conference,15 November, Lisbon
ENISA is organising the 3rd eHealth Security Conference in cooperation with the Portuguese Ministry of Health, Shared Services Directorate on the 15th of November 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal.
Commissioner Mariya Gabriel visits ENISA
The Commissioner, today, met with the ENISA Executive Director Professor Dr. Udo Helmbrecht and the staff for a discussion on the current and future role of the Agency in the cybersecurity of Europe.