Cybersecurity in the EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP): Challenges and risks for the EU
ENISA and the Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) panel of the European Parliament joined forces to deliver a study on the Cybersecurity in the EU Common Security and Defence Policy.
New cyber security information service launched today by ENISA
ENISA launched today its new cyber security information service “Cyber Security Info Notes” with the aim to provide timely key information and recommendations on cyber security topics and incidents.
CSIRT maturity evaluation process - How is CSIRT maturity assessed?
ENISA has published a new practical guide for CSIRTs so that they are better prepared to protect their constituencies and improve team's maturity.
ENISA Annual Privacy Forum 2017: security measures to bolster data protection and privacy
The need of privacy as an assurance for the protection of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights was reinforced at ENISA’s Annual Privacy Forum 2017. There is No Privacy without Security and no Security without Privacy!
Opening the ENISA Annual Privacy Forum 2017
ENISA's Annual Privacy Forum 2017 (APF17) is a thematic conference co-organised with the European Commission / DG CNECT and the University of Vienna on 7-8 June 2017.
“Mastering the Power of Connectivity”: Udo Helmbrecht speaks about 5G infrastructure & connectivity at the Connected Citizens Summit 2017
ENISA's Executive Director, Udo Helmbrecht, participated in the Connected Citizens Summit, a “European beacon of innovation”, which took place on Wednesday 31st May 2017 in Berlin.
ENISA works together with European semiconductor industry on key cybersecurity areas
The uptake of connected devices and services demands baseline requirements for security and privacy and the efficient application of EU standards.
WannaCry Ransomware: First ever case of cyber cooperation at EU level
ENISA and several European Member States are currently working together to assess the situation caused by the WannaCry Ransomware at European level.
Visit of EC VP Ansip at the EU cybersecurity Agency in Greece
European Commission Vice-President Ansip visited the EU Agency for cybersecurity at its premises in Athens today 11th May 2017, for a discussion on its activities and future role in the EU cyber security landscape.
ENISA welcomes the publication of the DSM mid-term review
ENISA welcomes the report on the mid-term review on the implementation of the Digital Single Market (DSM) Strategy.