ENISA has met with the Greek government to discuss how the agency can support secure electronic government (e-gov) services for citizens.
Education-the first step to cyber security ; new report launched ''Collaborative Solutions For Network Information Security in Education''
This report, ‘Collaborative Solutions For Network Information Security in Education’explores ways in which educators can get full use out of information technologies, while promoting and providing education on the importance of network…
New Roadmap for Computer Emergency Response (CERT) Training
ENISA has launched a new "Roadmap" document aimed at making training for Europe's Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) more effective.
The key to cyber security is cooperation amongst all players
The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) bridges the gap between citizens, industry and governments by acting as a knowledge broker in NIS matters and as a promoter of good NIS practices within EU Member States.
New ENISA report with US Homeland Security – cyber security awareness raising
ENISA and the European Commission have worked with the US Department of Homeland Security to produce a report on “Involving Intermediaries in Cyber Security Awareness Raising’’. In focus were mechanisms for cross-border cooperation, as well as…
Validation workshop on Minimum Security Measures for the European Smart Grid
Today, Thursday 29/11, ENISA conducts a validation workshop on the Minimum Security Measures for the European Smart Grid in Brussels. This is a validation workshop for the 'Minimum Security Measures for the Smart Grids' report due to be released…
New report on how to reinforce cooperation between EU Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) and Law Enforcement Authorities
ENISA publishes Work Programme 2013
ENISA's Work Programme for 2013 has now been published. The programme is the result of a consultation process involving both the ENISA Permanent Stakeholder Group (PSG) and Management Board (MB). This process has enabled the Agency to increase…
“Cooperation is key for Europe’s cyber security” – Conclusion of ENISA Brussels event (27/11)