Helmbrecht at the First Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit, Dallas
The Executive Director Dr Udo Helmbrecht of ENISA participated in top level panel discussions at the First Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit, on ‘Protecting the Digital Economy’.
Focus article: Internet of Things/RFID
Internet of Things/RFID in focus.
Future EU Research: IT Security Priorities Identified -Always Online Availability in Focus
The EU’s ‘cyber security’ Agency ENISA- The European Network and Information Security Agency - has launched a new report concluding that the EU should focus its future IT security research on five areas.
Spanish EU Presidency - 'Granada Non-Paper' calls for stronger ENISA
Recently, the Spanish EU Presidency - 'Granada Non-Paper' called for a stronger, reinforced, ENISA.
Health of Domain Name system report released/ICANN
ENISA participating in Domain Name Symposium Steering Committee.
NIS Summer School key speakers announced
3rd ENISA-FORTH Summer School on NIS ‘Privacy and Security in the Future Internet’, 13-17 September, 2010, Greece.
The programme of NIS’2010 include key experts such as Mikko Hyppönen of F-Secure, Bruce Schneier of BT, and EDPS' Peter Hustinx,…
New, designed version of the Work Programme 2010 now online
The ENISA Work Programme 2010 is now online in a new, designed version for easier readability.
Flying 2.0? Study of Internet of Things/RFID in air travel launched
Flying 2.0? ENISA launches study on future challenges of Internet of Things/RFID in air travel
Watch our cloud computing video clip
How can businesses and governments get the obvious benefits of
cloud computing without putting their organisation at risk? Watch our video clip online.
The latest EQR is online!
The new issue of ENISA's EQR , Vol 6 issue1, 2010 is now available online.