Handbook on Security of Personal Data Processing
The overall scope of the report is to provide practical demonstrations and interpretation of the methodological steps of the ENISA’s 2016 guidelines for SMEs on the security of personal data processing. This is performed through specific use cases…
Privacy and data protection in mobile applications
The scope of the report is to provide a meta-study on privacy and data protection in mobile apps by analysing the features of the app development environment that impact privacy and security, as well as defining relevant best-practices, open issues…
Reference Incident Classification Taxonomy
This taxonomy resulted from collaboration initiatives such as the annual ENISA/EC3 Workshop which involved CSIRTs, LEAs, ENISA, and EC3. Other examples include the eCSIRT.net taxonomy2 which was developed in 2003, and the eCSIRT.net mkVI taxonomy3…
Mapping of OES Security Requirements to Specific Sectors
The current report provides a substantial and comprehensive mapping of the security requirements for OES, as they have been agreed in the NISD Cooperation Group, to sector specific information security standards. ENISA conducted desktop research on…
Online Tracking and User Protection Mechanisms
ENISA decided to provide a study on online tracking and relevant user protection mechanisms, paying particular attention to user consent, privacy settings and the implementation of the Do-Not-Track (DNT) standard.
Overview of the practices of ICT Certification Laboratories in Europe
This study seeks to identify and analyse the current landscape of ICT security certification laboratories in EU Member States, comparing them also with third countries practices. The findings of this study will constitute the basis for the Agency’s…
ENISA Threat Landscape Report 2017
2017 was the year in which incidents in the cyberthreat landscape have led to the definitive recognition of some omnipresent facts. We have gained unwavering evidence regarding monetization methods, attacks to democracies, cyber-war, transformation…
eIDAS: Overview on the implementation and uptake of Trust Services
In the context of the eIDAS Regulation, ENISA conducted a study to present an overview of the implementation and uptake of Trust Services defined in the eIDAS Regulation one year after adoption to the new regime, and analyse the new opportunities…
Maturity Reference for CSIRTs – Executive Summary
The target audience for this study is primarily the middle management layer in the CSIRTs, responsible for increasing the team’s maturity. The study will help them to more easily and quickly implement real maturity improvement, following self-…
Priorities for EU research
The objective of this current document is to provide an analysis of the research proposals of the ECSO SRIA document by briefly summarizing each research priority, and highlighting the areas where the priorities have to be aligned with the…