Gaps in NIS standardisation - Recommendations for improving NIS in EU standardisation policy
This report recommends that the European Commission, with the support of the Member States, pursuant to the NIS Directive, adopt a standards based framework for the exchange of threat and defensive measure information that impacts the functioning of…
Annual Privacy Forum 2016
In light of the data protection regulation and the European digital agenda, DG CONNECT, EDPS, ENISA and, Goethe University Frankfurt organized APF 2016. APF 2016 was held 7 & 8 September at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
Article 19 Incident reporting
The focus of this document is the implementation of incident reporting and it aims at supporting the su-pervisory bodies in being aligned with obligations set out in Article 19. The Article 19 incident reporting framework has been prepared in…
Incident notification for DSPs in the context of the NIS Directive
This report provides preliminary guidelines on how incident notification provisions for Digital Service Providers could be effectively implemented across the EU. Based on valuable input from Member States and companies directly impacted by the…
Technical Guidelines for the implementation of minimum security measures for Digital Service Providers
ENISA has issued this report to assist Member States and DSPs in providing a common approach regarding the security measures for DSPs. This particular initiative has been achieved by examining current information and network security practices for…
Security aspects of virtualization
This report provides an analysis of the status of virtualization security. ENISA presents current efforts, emerging best practices and known security gaps, discussing the impact the latter have on environments based on virtualization technologies.…
Hardware Threat Landscape and Good Practice Guide
The goal of this report is the compilation of a comprehensive landscape of hardware-related assets, threats, and good practices. This landscape provides basic information for manufacturers and developers who want to understand which threats their…
ENISA Threat Landscape Report 2016
The ENISA Threat Landscape 2016 - the summary of the most prevalent cyber-threats – is sobering: everybody is exposed to cyber-threats, with the main motive being monetization. The year 2016 is thus characterized by “the efficiency of cyber-crime…
Ad-hoc & sensor networking for M2M Communications - Threat Landscape and Good Practice Guide
The ad-hoc and sensor networking Threat Landscape and Good Practice Guide complements the Annual Cyber Security ENISA Threat Landscape (ETL). It provides a deep overview of the current state of security in the ad-hoc and sensor networking for M2M…
Cyber Hygiene
This report looks at the leading cyber hygiene programs across the European Union and drills down into a selection of Small – Medium Enterprises to establish their understanding and engagement with the national strategies. Based on the information…