Critical Cloud Computing-A CIIP perspective on cloud computing services
In this report we look at cloud computing from a Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP) perspective and we look at a number of scenarios and threats relevant from a CIIP perspective, based on a survey of public sources on uptake of…
ENISA Threat Landscape 2012
The ENISA Threat Landscape provides an overview of threats, together with current and emerging trends. It is based on publicly available data and provides an independent view on observed threats, threat agents and threat trends. Over 140 recent…
Consumerization of IT: Final report on Risk Mitigation Strategies and Good Practices
This report presents security policies that can be deployed to mitigate risks that are related with the trend of Consumerization of IT (COIT) and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). The aim of this document is to identify mitigation strategies, policies…
Appropriate security measures for smart grids
This document introduces a set of cyber security measures for smart grids. These measures are organised in ten (10) domains and three sophistication levels.
Cyber Europe 2012 - Key Findings Report
Cyber Europe was the biggest pan-European cyber security exercise to date. This report gives the key findings from ENISA.
National Cyber Security Strategies: An Implementation Guide
This report introduces a set of concrete actions, which if implemented will lead to a coherent and holistic national cyber-security strategy. It also proposes a national cyber-security strategy lifecycle, with a special emphasis on the development…
Emergency Communications Stocktaking
The Emergency Communications Stocktaking project is an initiative of the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) to determine how emergency services communicate within their own organisations and with each other in times of…
Implementation of article 15
E-Government services have significant potential to make public services more efficient for the benefit of citizens and businesses in terms of time and money. And while these benefits are increasingly being felt nationally, e-Government services…
Implementation of Art 15: Security breaches notifications in trust services
The European Commission proposed on July 2012 a draft regulation on electronic identification and trust services for electronic transactions in the internal market, which will replace the existing Electronic Signature Directive 1999/93/EC. Article…
Be Aware, Be Secure. Synthesis of the results of the first European Cyber Security Month
The report provides a synthesis of the results of the European Cyber Security Month (ECSM) which took place as a pilot project across Europe throughout last October 2012. The report gives an overview of the security-related weeks organised at…