For A Trusted and Cyber Secure Europe
ENISA Telecom and Digital Infrastructure Security Forum 2025
The ENISA Telecom security forum brings together cybersecurity experts from the telecom sector, national authorities, and cybersecurity policy makers, to discuss the hot topics in telecom security such as espionage in telecom networks, the…
ENISA conference - Threathunt 2030
2024 edition of the Threathunt 2030 conference, the ENISA flagship conference focused on the emerging cybersecurity threats of the future and on how the Union and Member States can best foresee, identify, prevent and respond to future challenges…
2nd ENISA Cybersecurity Policy Conference
ENISA and the European Commission (DG CNECT), under the auspices of the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union, are organising the 2nd EU Cybersecurity Policy Conference.
Threathunt 2030
The Threathunt 2030 conference is a unique opportunity for experts, concerned and interested participants alike to focus on the emerging cybersecurity threats of the future and debate on how the Union and Member States can best foresee, identify…
7th eHealth Security Conference
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) is organising the 7th eHealth Security Conference, in collaboration with the Danish Health Data Authority. Following 2 years of virtual events, this conference will be a full-day physical event, hosted by…