On 1 April 2019, the Executive Director of ENISA, Udo Helmbrecht, the Secretary General of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media, Vasilis Maglaras, the Regional Councillor of Crete, Giorgos Alexakis on behalf of the Governor of Crete…
CISA and ENISA enhance their Cooperation
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has signed a Working Arrangement with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) of the US, in the areas of capacity-building, best practices exchange and boosting situational…
Enhanced EU-Ukraine cooperation in Cybersecurity
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) has formalised a Working Arrangement with Ukraine counterparts focused around capacity-building, best practices exchange and boosting situational awareness.
ENISA Joins International Fair of Thessaloniki to Promote Cybersecurity Skills
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) joined the Pavilion of the Representation of the European Commission in Greece to support the European Year of Youth 2022.
Crossing a bridge: the first EU cybersecurity certification scheme is availed to the Commission
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity formally transmits to the European Commission the first candidate cybersecurity certification scheme on Common Criteria.
EU Minister’s Informal Justice & Home Affairs Ministers’ meeting, Vilnius 18-19/07
The EU’s cyber security Agency ENISA attended the informal Justice and Home Affairs (JHA) Minister’s meeting in Vilnius, 18-19 July, 2013, where cyber security was a key matter to discuss.
ENISA - celebrating Europe with Heraklion
Europe’s cyber security agency, ENISA is issuing an invitation to all, to join the festivities at the city of Heraklion’s Europe Day celebrations in the Venetian Loggia this Saturday (18th May) between 11.00am and 2.30pm. The event is organised…
ENISA to work with Greece’s government on secure e-services for citizens
ENISA has met with the Greek government to discuss how the agency can support secure electronic government (e-gov) services for citizens.
European Cybersecurity Skills Framework: call for participation in the new Ad Hoc Working Group
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity launches a call for expression of interest for participation in the new Ad Hoc Working Group on the European Cybersecurity Skills Framework.
Remote health monitoring scenario
ENISA kicks off Emerging and Future Risks identification: remote health monitoring and treatment scenario has been assessed.