Threathunt 2030: How to Hunt Down Emerging & Future Cyber Threats
Understanding emerging cybersecurity threats and future scenarios was the objective of “Threathunt 2030”, a new flagship conference organised by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity on Friday, 6th of May.
European SMEs facing increased cyber threats in changing digital landscape
In the lead up to the EU Agency for Cybersecurity’s forthcoming Cybersecurity for SMEs report, the Agency gathered European businesses, agencies and associations to share their views on the major challenges faced by SMEs in a time of heightened…
ENISA Cybersecurity Resilience and Market Conference: Joining forces for a cyber-secure and resilient digital single market
The central theme of the conference was the expansion of synergies in the field to achieve the shared goal of safeguarding the digital single market and its economy through a robust EU Cybersecurity Regulatory Framework.
Industrial Control Systems Security: Recommendations for Europe & Member States
The Agency has issued the results of a new study on Industrial Control Systems (ICS) security.
ENISA- 1st EU Agency with IPv6
The EU Agency ENISA [i.e. the European Network and Information Security Agency] now delivers its web site content over the new Internet protocol IPv6.
Cyber Europe 2022: Testing the Resilience of the European Healthcare Sector
The European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) organised a cybersecurity exercise to test the response to attacks on EU healthcare infrastructures and services.
Privacy tools, security measures and evaluation of current technologies under the spotlight at this year’s Annual Privacy Forum
Successful conclusion of the fourth edition of the Annual Privacy Forum, held on the 7th and 8th September at Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany. The event provided a forum to academia, industry and policy makers for a discussion on privacy…