On 6 February 2018 – the international ‘Safer Internet Day’ – ENISA publishes a report providing organisations with practical tools and guidance to develop and maintain an internal cybersecurity culture.
Financial sector in need of Awareness
EU Agency presents a new study on how to counter information security risks with a change in the financial sector staff awareness.
Loss caused by theft of customer information and costs of security incidents response is rising according to a new…
EU Electronic Communications Security Authorities Discussion on Incident reports and Policy
ENISA hosted the 33rd meeting of European Competent Authorities for Secure Electronic Communications (ECASEC). The group is comprised of EU authorities on security of electronic communications, formerly known as the ENISA Article 13a group.
Spanish EU Presidency - 'Granada Non-Paper' calls for stronger ENISA
Recently, the Spanish EU Presidency - 'Granada Non-Paper' called for a stronger, reinforced, ENISA.
2nd ENISA Cloud Security and Resilience Experts Group meeting
Yesterday, 15th October 2013, the ENISA Cloud Security and Resilience Experts group met for the second time, in Rome.
How do you open the CEO’s eyes for security?
EU Agency report launched on how to get support and funding for security initiatives from corporate executives
How do you get the CEO to open the wallet?
ENISA at Omnicard
Udo Helmbrecht, ENISA’s Executive Director, will be participating at the Main Forum at the Omnicard event in Berlin on Wednesday 21st January, 2015, on the panel on “Secure identities - an effective tool to increase information security?” (“Sichere…
Fast links to 2012 reports
Fast links to ENISA reports
Knowledge-building on Cryptography for eIDAS Supervisory Bodies
Today and yesterday, ENISA, the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity organised a two-day knowledge-building event on cryptography, specifically for the national supervisory bodies for electronic trust services and electronic signatures.